Vision Statement:

‘GO’ Ministries International was born out of the scripture in Matt 28:19-20 to ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel……’   This is what I do as the principal of ‘GO’ Ministries throughout NZ and any nations where I am invited to minister.

Who is it for?

The missions arm of ‘GO’ Ministries is open to everyone and anyone.   Applications are received and teams chosen from anyone interested in joining me to fulfill this Great Commission.   I have had people from a 16 year old up to mid-70’s join me on missions trips.

When and Where?

The Missions arm of ‘GO’ Ministries facilitates mission trips.   Over the years one of our delights has been to deliver about 15 tons of bibles to the underground church in China.   There have been teams to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Fiji, Cambodia, Indonesia and in NZ.   Each and every missions trip is different, people are chosen for their compatibility to the vision for each trip, trained and cared for my myself as we ‘GO’ and seek to fulfill the Great Commission.

GO’ Ministries Training/conference arm facilitates camps and conferences for the body of Christ and has done for 35+ years.  Details of these are available on the website as they are planned.   They may be camps away from Christchurch, day or multi-day seminars in the city, conferences with overseas visiting ministry or training sessions.

The WOW factor.

‘GO’ Ministries Missions arm gives people the opportunity to experience overseas missions in developing nations, expands horizons, gives cross-cultural experiences, opportunity to minister     and do things that are often not available in our own culture.

I often invite one woman to accompany me on ministry trips.   These opportunities are wonderful times of insight into the ‘back end’ of ministry, connection with leaders of churches large and small in NZ and other nations.

‘GO’ Ministries Training/conference arm provides opportunities for people to get away for times of ministry and refreshing at camps with excellent preaching, ministry, worship and of course food …..     These times are often spiritual markers for growth, revelation, fresh vision and connection with other like-minded people.   They are held regularly and can be for women only or men and women.

How do I get involved?

My website: has a page where you may subscribe and register your details.   From here we will add you to our data base.   From this we will forward details of missions trips, camps, conferences and items of interest where you may wish to be involved.